1.Compared to the traditional technique of agent program's planting and activation, it has betterments in realism and privacy.It also has some innovation in the ways and means.
11.Ways and means A paper Dr Teichmann and Dr Regev published in December 2022 describes six classes of technological methods involved in the Cell Atlas project.
12.Even today, phrases combining Anglo-Saxon and Norman French doublets are still in common use (e.g. law and order, lord and master, love and cherish, ways and means, etc).
14.The other was the editor of one of the nation's leading papers, a newsman to the core, tough, aggressive and savvy in the ways and means of solid reporting.
15." Ah! be quite sure, Catherine, that I did not do so by wish or inclination, but only because she found ways and means energetic enough to vanquish my timidity" .
16.Wishing will not bring riches. But desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure will bring riches.